
The official Deliverybot guide over the next sections will go through setting up a production grade deployment pipeline for an organization using Deliverybot and other GitHub tools.

  1. Pull request setup
  2. Deployment analytics
  3. Delivering deployments
  4. Deploy on master
  5. Deploy to production
  6. Deploy a PR environment
  7. Promote a commit
  8. Rolling back
  9. Locking deployments
  10. Canary deployments

What we’ll be doing

We’ll be setting up a pipeline that deploys code using the following workflow:

+--------------+       +-------------+       +------------+
| Pull request | ----> |   Staging   | ----> | Production |
+--------------+       +-------------+       +------------+

  √ Build                √ Deploy              √ Deploy
  √ Test                 √ Approve             √ Rollback
  √ Lint                                       √ Locking
  √ PR Deploy                                  √ Canary
  √ Approve

At the end of this we’ll have a repository that looks like this example if you want to jump ahead.

This is a typical and safe workflow for most organizations to follow. When a developer spins up a pull request we’ll do the typical CI workflows with lint, test and build stages. We’ll also additionally deploy this code to a PR environment like that you can use for acceptance testing and checks that require a version of the app running.

When the pull request is deemed ready and the code is approved this code will be merged into master. Deliverybot then deploys to a staging environment with more resources available where we can validate the code. We can also run some end to end tests here and we’ll require that this code is checked off by a QA as well.

Finally, once those steps are passed we can deploy this commit to production. this will happen manually so that the developer is aware and can rollback if any errors do occur. We’ll also discuss strategies for monitoring during this phase and also automated rollbacks.

How this guide works

This guide is agnostic to where you are deploying to and instead focuses on the processes around your deployment practices. Deliverybot decouples the deployment processes from the underlying technology, so anything in this guide is compatible with all of the available integrations or your own deployment methods.

All of the integrations will use stubbed GitHub actions since this is the simplest way to get up and running. However, since everything is just responding to a GitHub webhook, your own code is fully capable of executing all of these workflows.

We will also link in the footer of the guide to the available integrations and recipes that will allow you to wire up actual deployments and tests throughout the process.

Let’s get started :)

First steps

  1. Create a blank GitHub repository that we can use for the guide.
  2. Install the Deliverybot GitHub app on the repo.


Start with PR configuration »

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